FAZR: There are 4 Raka in FAZR prayer. First 2 is SUNNAH and second 2 is FARZ.
JAHR: There are 10 Raka in JAHR prayer. First 4 is SUNNAH, second 4 FARZ and third 2 SUNNAH.
ASR: There are 4 Raka in ASR prayer. Only 4 FARZ.
MAGRIB: There are 5 Raka in MAGRIB prayer. First 3 FARZ and second 2 SUNNAH.
ISHA: There are 9 Raka in ISHA prayer. First 4 FARZ, second 2 SUNNAH and third 3 WITR.
JUMMA:First 4 SUNNAH second KHUTBAH and 2 FARZ must with imam, third 2 SUNNAH.